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A Codon Convo with Lisa Limeri: The Power of Mindset to Transform the Undergraduate Classroom

Join us at 4:00 PM EASTERN (1:00 PM PACIFIC) on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 for a convo with Dr. Lisa Limeri.

Students’ beliefs about their abilities influence their motivation, engagement, and how they bounce back from setbacks, like failing an exam. Lisa is a PI on an NSF-funded project to examine how we can improve student outcomes in introductory biology classrooms with targeted messaging to help them think of their abilities as improvable with effort and feedback.

Lisa will discuss what students believe about their abilities, how these beliefs impact their outcomes, and scalable, low-cost things we can do as instructors to help students overcome challenges.

Dr. Lisa Limeri is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University. She earned her Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of Pittsburgh studying evolutionary biology and behavioral ecology by investigating butterfly wing color patterns and mating preferences. She then transitioned into Discipline-based Biology Education Research and worked as a postdoc with Dr. Erin Dolan at the University of Georgia for 4 years. In 2021, she started as an Assistant Professor and founded her own lab, focused on beliefs students and instructors hold about their abilities and how these beliefs influence their motivations and academic outcomes.